Foundation of the company and start of activities by advising J.P. Morgan Capital Partners on their investment in Brasil Ferrovias.
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Long track record in managing alternative and illiquid assets in Brazil
Over 20 years of experience managing private equity and venture capital funds — focused on infrastructure, special situations, growth, and innovation — delivering consistent returns to our clients
PortfolioOur history
Angra Partners takes over the management of FIP Investidores Institucionais 1, one of the most significant private equity funds in the market at the time. The fund’s portfolio included stakes in companies in telecommunications (Brasil Telecom, Telemig Celular, and Amazônia Celular), logistics (Santos Brasil), sanitation (Sanepar), and transportation (Metrô Rio).
The successful management of this fund, including restructuring and selling its main assets by 2009, helped Angra Partners solidify its reputation in managing assets in special and complex situations.
Other projects included advising Saraiva on the acquisition of the publishers Ática and Scipione and the operational restructuring of SuperVia Trens Urbanos.
Raised the first fund focused on infrastructure and growth, FIP Angra Infra, with a mandate to invest in companies in various infrastructure subsectors (sanitation, logistics systems, transportation, industrial infrastructure, renewable energies, biofuels, and oil and gas).
Sale of the controlling stake in Amazônia Celular and Telemig Celular, one of the largest mobile operators in Brazil, by FIP Investidores Institucionais 1.
Sale of the controlling stakes in Metrô Rio and Brasil Telecom, the second-largest fixed-line telephony company in Brazil at the time, by FIP Investidores Institucionais 1.
Advising on the financial restructuring and sale of Santelisa Vale Bioenergia S/A, the second-largest sugar and ethanol producer in Brazil at the time, and the operational restructuring of Brenco Energia Renovável.
Angra Partners takes over the management of FIPs Investidores Institucionais 2 and Investidores Institucionais 3, with 7 assets already invested by the previous manager, many in complex situations.
Start of advisory services to Grupo Pão de Açúcar in negotiations regarding their stake in Via Varejo.
Divestment of Visum Sistemas Eletrônicos S/A by FIP Investidores Institucionais 2.
Structuring of Volt FIA, an exclusive fund capitalized with common shares of CELESC – Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina, with the mandate to represent the shareholder in the company, enhance value, and seek liquidity for the shares. Angra’s activities involved governance forums (assembly, board, and committees) and culminated in attracting, negotiating, and executing the sale of shares to EDP – Energias de Portugal in 2018.
Divestment of Ediouro Publicações and Companhia Providência by FIP Investidores Institucionais 2.
Acquisition of Mantiq, Banco Santander´s Brazilian private equity asset manager, bringing its team and the FIPs InfraBrasil, Caixa Ambiental, and Brasil Petróleo.
Sale of the controlling stake in Sanepar by FIP Investidores Institucionais 1.
Return on investment in debentures in the Candeias Energia thermal power plants project by FIP InfraBrasil.
Divestment of the stake in Itapecuru Bioenergia by FIP Angra Infra.
Return on investment in debentures in the sanitation PPP (public private partnership) in Rio das Ostras – RJ by FIP InfraBrasil.
Return on investment in debentures in the small hydroelectric plants (PCHs) of Companhia Energética do Rio da Prata (CERP) by FIP InfraBrasil.
Angra takes over the management of FIP ETB Multiestratégia with the aim of improving governance and attracting new shareholders for the development of a new stock exchange project in Brazil.
Sale of the stake in Marlin Navegação by FIP Brasil Petróleo.
Return on investment in debentures in the projects Foz de Jeceaba (industrial effluent treatment), PST Energias Renováveis (small hydroelectric plants), Marechal Rondon and Transbrasiliana (highways) by FIP InfraBrasil.
Angra Partners takes over the management of FIP Inova Empresa Multiestratégia, with a mandate to invest in technology companies with innovation as a key factor in their growth strategy.
Sale of the controlling stake in Orizon (formerly Haztec) and divestment of CBPB – Companhia Brasileira de Participação em Bioeletricidade by FIP InfraBrasil.
Divestment of ERB – Energias Renováveis do Brasil by FIP Caixa Ambiental.
Formation of FIP AP Energias Renováveis, with exclusive investment in Renova Energia S.A. (renewable energy). Its management was transferred to another manager in May 2023.
Negotiation and completion of Mubadala’s entry, the sovereign fund of Abu Dhabi, into ATG, an investee of FIP ETB.
Divestment of A Geradora by FIP Investidores Institucionais 3.
Over 20 years of creating and delivering value for our clients.